Our Committee

Our committee is made of dedicated individuals who care deeply about the children in our community, and understand the value of camp. They’re community leaders, agents of change, and dedicated volunteers.

Townsend Birdsong - Treasurer
Darby Dame - Board Chair
Anne Bullard - Past Chair
Diane Daniel
Laura Leatherwood

Catherine Lemel
Eileen Marshall
LeeAnn McKinney
Yesica Miranda
Olivia Shuler

Partnering Camps

Due to the generosity of partner camps, Kids In Camp is able to send Transylvania County children to camp each summer. Our partners save spaces for our children to attend their camps, and support us by offering scholarships. We are thankful for their dedication to getting children who need financial support to camp.

Camp Carolina
Camp Henry
Camp High Rocks
Camp Kahdalea
Camp Tekoa
Eagle’s Nest Camp

Gwynn Valley Camp
Green River Presrve
Keystone Camp
Rockbrook Camp
YMCA Camp Greenville

Are you a camp interested in working with us? Know a camp who may be interested?
Email our Board Chair at kidsincamptc@gmail.com

Local Organizations We Work With

The organizations listed below work with Kids in Camp to nominate children. Through this collaboration, these children not only get support during the school year, they also have access to meaningful activity in the summer.

We also partner with local school counselors within the Transylvania County school system.